“…On the other hand, if the Bott Conjecture holds, then for an effective torus action of sufficiently large rank on a closed, simply-connected manifold of non-negative curvature, the torus action will have non-trivial isotropy. This is quantified in the work of Galaz-García, Kerin, and Radeschi [11], who show that if 𝑀 𝑛 , a rationally elliptic 𝑛-dimensional smooth manifold, admits a smooth and effective 𝑇 𝑘 -action, then 𝑘 ≤ ⌊ • Small quotient space, that is, dim(𝑀/𝐺) is small; • Large fixed point set, that is, dim(𝑀 𝐺 ) is large with respect to the dimension of the manifold 𝑀; and • Large rank, that is, we consider group actions 𝐺 for which rk(𝐺) is large with respect to the maximal possible rank of a group action on a manifold.…”