Abstract. Cox rings are intrinsic objects naturally generalizing homogeneous coordinate rings of projective spaces. A complexity-one horospherical variety is a normal variety equipped with a reductive group action whose general orbit is horospherical and of codimension one. In this note, we provide a presentation by generators and relations for the Cox rings of complete rational complexity-one horospherical varieties.
Mathematics Subject Classification. 14L30, 14M27, 14M25.Keywords. Action of algebraic groups, Luna-Vust theory.Introduction. All algebraic varieties and algebraic groups considered in this article are defined over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero.Let G be a connected simply-connected reductive algebraic group (i.e., a direct product of a torus and a connected simply-connected semisimple group), and let H ⊆ G be a closed subgroup. The homogeneous space G/H is called horospherical if H contains a maximal unipotent subgroup of G. Geometrically, the homogeneous space G/H may be realized as the total space of a principal Tbundle over the flag variety G/P , where P = N G (H) is the parabolic subgroup normalizing H and T is the algebraic torus P/H.In this paper, we consider a specific class of G-varieties: the complexity-one horospherical G-varieties, that is, the normal G-varieties whose general orbit is horospherical and of codimension one. From the Luna-Vust theory [18], there is a combinatorial description of such varieties (see [23], [24, Ch. 16],and [17,§1]) which is quite similar to the classical one of torus embeddings (see, for instance, [8]). The geometry of complexity-one horospherical varieties has been studied in [17]