The reactions ir + +n -> p-\-ir + -i nr and 7r + +w -> p+y have been studied as a function of the w + n center-of-mass energy in the range 1.40-1.65 GeV, using T + interactions in deuterium and the impulse approximation. Within specified limits, the data are shown to be consistent with this approximation. The relative cross sections for ir + -\-n -» p+ir + -\-7r~ have been obtained at 13 points in the energy range, with a standard deviation of 4% at the center, rising to 10% at the extreme energies. There is a clear enhancement in the region of the iV*(1470) and iV*(1518), and the cross section rises steeply at the higher energies. The rapid rise and subsequent decay of the ^-production cross section is confirmed. From the 17-production angular distributions, evidence for the decay of the N* (1680) and N* (1688) into rip is found, together with an indication that the iV*(1470) may decay in this mode.T HIS paper presents the results of a study of the reactions 7T++W -» ^+7T + +7T~ ,
T++n->p + 7]°in the ir + n center-of-mass energy range 1.40-1.65 GeV. The data were obtained from a large exposure (approximately 10 6 pictures) of 800-870 MeV/c TT+ mesons in the Saclay 180-liter Deuterium Bubble Chamber at NIMROD which was carried out by the Rutherford Laboratory and the Saclay Bubble Chamber groups. The experiment was originally designed to investigate the decay properties of the rf, especially to detect a possible C-violating asymmetry in the decay pions. The results of these investigations have been published elsewhere. 1 ' 2The cross section for reactions (1) and (2) together with the two-body angular distributions for reaction (2) are presented here as a function of the center-ofmass energy of the w + n system.