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August 1999
REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVEREDFinal May 1997 -August 1999
TITLE AND SUBTITLEMicrobially Mediated Reductive Dechlorination of Dichlorobenzene
AUTHOR(S)Quistorff, Anne S.
FUNDING NUMBERSC: F08637-97-C-6013 P: 62202F JON: 1900B56A/2103B58A
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Cornell The microbially mediated reductive dechlorination of 1,2-, 1,3-, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene (DCB) was studied using site material from eight different locations. The soil and groundwater from each site were anaerobically added to multiple serum bottles and mixed. All three DCB isomers were added to each serum bottle to a total nominal concentration of 30 micro-mole per liter for some microcosms and 600 micro-mole per liter for other microcosms. In addition, electron donor in the form of yeast extract (100 mg/L) was added to some microcosms and some microcosms were autoclaved and served as abiotic controls. The microcosms were then incubated, inverted, in the dark at 24 deg C and periodically monitored by headspace injections into a gas Chromatograph system. Reductive dechlorination of the DCB isomers was noted in microcosms from five of the eight locations and ranged from 10% to nearly 100%. Additionally, in all the positive microcosms, dechlorination proceeded independent of whether yeast extract was added. Due to the rapid onset of dechlorination in some of the microcosms, it is likely that DCB dechlorination is occurring on site. Generally, 1,2-DCB was the nost readily degraded DCB isomer. 1,3-DCB was the next most readily degraded isomer, distantly followed by 1,4-DCB. Reductive dechlorination of the DCB isomers was noted in microcosms from five of the eight locations: Louisiana wetland sediment, Kelly AFB, Robins AFB at well BIA4 at both 17-and 25-foot depths and slight dechlorination for the digested sludge. The extent of MCB production from DCB dechlorination was about 10%
SUBJECT TERMSfor the digested sludge and ranged from about 50% to 100% for the other microcosms. The most successful microcosms (exhibiting close to 100% transformation in some instances) were the Louisiana wetland sediment and the Robins AFB well BIA4 at 25-foot depth.Additionally, in all the positive microcosms, dechlorination proceeded independent of whether yeast extract was addedprobably because the indigeno...