Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is among the top infectious causes of death worldwide. Patients with treated TB may remain lifelong sufferers of disabling sequelae of the disease which subsequently impair their quality of life.
Aims of study: The present study aimed to assess the functional status of patient with pulmonary tuberculosis and to and the relationship between the patients functional status and their Socio-demographic data which as (Residence, Gender, Age, Occupation, Socio-economic status, Duration of disease, number of previous hospitalization and Smoking).
Methodology: The study is conducted in a City of Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf in Consultant Clinic for tuberculosis and Chest Diseases. Data collected on structured questionnaire planned specifically for this study, and it is consist of two parts: Part one Included Socio-demographic characteristics and clinical data, and Part two Include (5) domain related to functional status for patient with pulmonary tuberculosis.
Conclusions: The study concluded that the patients living in urban residential area are more vulnerable to get pulmonary tuberculosis than those living in rural area and males also more vulnerable to get pulmonary tuberculosis than females.
Recommendations: improved the role of physician and nurse to take their roles toward instruct patient toward their disease and how to dealing problems to achieve the highly quality of life and continuous follow-up for all tuberculosis patients especially those who live in urban area.