conservation strategies play a vital role in the manufacturing
and process industries to fulfill environmental discharge and societal
responsibilities. This paper aims to conserve resources with multiple
objectives in a constrained source–sink resource conservation
network. A special type of network, known as segregated targeting
problems with multiple external resources (ERs), is considered in
this work. The problem contains a set of zones with their own demands
and a dedicated resource specified for individual zones. A set of
internal sources which are available freely for reuse, as well as
the ERs, are also available to be shared among all the zones. The
purpose of this work is to apply pinch analysis principles for optimizing
the multiple objectives associated with multiple resources in a segregated
targeting problem. The first step includes the targeting of each zone
individually without considering ERs for maximum internal reuse efficiency
and to determine the pinch points of each zone. Using these pinch
points, a novel prioritizing indicator, termed the multiobjective
extended prioritized cost, is proposed in this work. The indicator
identifies the zones’ targeting sequences graphically and dictates
the addition of ERs to different zones to optimize multiple objectives
simultaneously. The Pareto-optimal solutions for the problem are identified
by graphical visualization based on different weighting coefficients.
Two different examples, a representative case study and a water conservation
network, demonstrate the proposed methodology. The proposed method
is applicable in conserving multiple resources in a constrained source–sink
reuse network considering multiple objectives.