The synthesis of an isomer of prostaglandin F,,, 9a, 1 1 a, 1 5(S)-trihydroxyprosta-4-cis,l3-trunsdienoic acid is described. The metabolism of this compound in the rat has been investigated. The rate of degradation by B-oxidation was slowed down considerably. Thus 10-200/, of the injected isomer was excreted in the urine unchanged indicating a longer half-life in the circulation than for prostaglandin Fz,. More over 2 % was excreted as Cz0 metabolites, 11 -18 % as CI8 metabolites and 8 -15 % as CI6 metabolites. This relative resistance to degradation by b-oxidation is of considerable biochemical and pharmacological interest.The metabolism of prostaglandins in vivo has been investigated in a number of species, including man, during the past decade [l-141. There are mainly five types of reactions which occur: oxidation of the alcohol group at C-15; reduction of the d13-double bond; reduction of the keto group formed at C-15 leading to a 15-(S)-hydroxy group; two steps of P-oxidation ; and w-hydroxylation with formation of w-1 or (0-2 hydroxy compounds. The 0-1 hydroxy metabolites can be further oxidized to dicarboxylic acids. The keto group in the five-membered ring of prostaglandin E compounds can in some species be reduced to an alcohol group with a-or P-configuration [6,10,
131.Oxidation at C-15, which usually initiates the metabolic degradation of the prostaglandins is followed by reduction of the d13-double bond [15,16]. The first step is catalyzed by a prostaglandin specific dehydrogenase which, as well as the Al3-reductase is widely distributed in animal tissues [17]. The efficient action of these enzymes results in a very short half-life of primary prostaglandins in the circulating blood [7,18]. Thus, 1.5 min after intravenous injection of tritium-labeled prostaglandin Fza to man only 3 -4 -.~ Ahhresiufion. Me,Si, trimethylsilyl.Trivial Names. Prostaglandin E,, 1 la,l5(S)-dihydroxy-9-ketoprosta-5-&,I 3-rrcms-dienoic acid; prostaglandin F,,, 9u.l la,15(S)-trihydroxyprosta-5-cis, 13-trans-dienoic acid.