Abstract. We deal with the algebras consisting of the quotients that produce bounded evaluation on suitable ideals of the multiplication algebra of a normed semiprime algebra A. These algebras of quotients, which contain A, are subalgebras of the bounded algebras of quotients of A, and they have an algebra seminorm for which the relevant inclusions are continuous. We compute these algebras of quotients for some norm ideals on a Hilbert space H: 1) the algebras of quotients with bounded evaluation of the ideal of all compact operators on H are equal to the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on H, 2) the algebras of quotients with bounded evaluation of the Schatten p-ideal on H (for 1 ≤ p < ∞) are equal to the Schatten p-ideal on H. We also prove that the algebras of quotients with bounded evaluation on the class of totally prime algebras have an analytic behavior similar to the one known for the bounded algebras of quotients on the class of ultraprime algebras.Introduction and preliminaries. Throughout this paper all algebras considered are associative over the field K equal to R or C.The notion of rings of quotients (in which two-sided ideals are used) was introduced by W. S. Martindale for prime rings in [5] and extended to semiprime rings by S. A. Amitsur in [1]. It is usual to define these rings of quotients using partially defined centralizers on essential ideals. However, for our purposes we prefer to give a somewhat more abstract presentation (see for example [9] or [2]). Given a semiprime algebra A, the right algebra of quotients of A, denoted here by Q