In the context of globalisation, the development of tourism in Ukraine requires the restoration of tourism activities, integration with world leaders in the tourism sector, the use of global experience to meet consumer demand, information about existing opportunities of the tourism business, successes and benefits. Therefore, the issue of studying the history, theory, and prospects of tourism development is an urgent problem for the tourism industry. The purpose of the study is to investigate the history, theory, and prospects of tourism development in Ukraine and the world in the context of globalisation. In the process of writing the paper, general scientific methods of knowledge were used. The following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, classification and systematisation of data. In the course of the study, a model of the impact of tourism on the economy in the context of globalisation was presented. The number of citizens from different countries of the world who most often visited Ukraine is analysed. It was determined that the world is currently suffering from a financial crisis that has affected all sectors of the economy. However, the impact of crises in various spheres of economic activity in separate countries is different. As a result, experts' expectations regarding the prospects for the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine and abroad differ. The practical value of this study is conditioned by the fact that it provides information that can be useful both in a theoretical and practical sense for researchers and practitioners of the tourism sector.