Object: object of research is the essence of tourist destination. Methods: The presented research is analytical in nature. The research methods are based on the principles of system-structural analysis, the methods of bibliographic analysis and classification have applied.bibliographic analysis: which made it possible to update information on publication activity within the framework of the considered scientific problem through the creation and analysis of the search query "tourist destination"; classification method: which made it possible to obtain a classification of types of tourist destination based on the identified features of the grouping.Findings: The article analyses the key concept of modern tourist discourse -"tourist destination". The article discusses various approaches to the formation and content of the concept of destination, its meaning, and also examines its main features. The analysis of the use of the term "tourist destination" in domestic and foreign scientific literature is carried out, the author's vision is given.In determining the features of the tourist destination, the 6A system was considered, which groups the main elements inherent in it. The importance of proper planning of the life cycle of a tourist destination in the successful management and development was also revealed.Conclusions: Contemporary tourism scholars consider the tourist destination from two points of view: visitor's and manager-developers'. Tourist destination consists of several elements: attraction, accessibility, convenience, intermediaries and auxiliary services, the organization of tourist services, and the availability of ready-made tourist products. Having considered the typology of tourist destinations given above, it can be described as a place that can arouse any tourist interest. In conclusion, the destination is a tourist direction with a developed infrastructure and service that can concentrate the interests of tourists and attract them.