The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about the influence of running time of 3D stereoscopic video on audience perceptions. This study compares the influence of running time between 20 minutes and 40 minutes of 3D stereoscopic music shows on audience perceptions such as perceived characteristics, impression, presence, entertainment, fatigue and unnatural looking images. After experiment with 40 samples, the present research found that when people watched shorter 3D stereoscopic music video, they perceived more 3D functionality, such as depth, image conveyance and message conveyance. The results also suggest that people who watched shorter 3D stereoscopic video felt more impression such as definiteness and freshness from the 3D images. Moreover, the result confirm that when watching shorter 3D images, people felt more a sense of presence. Findings of this study have important practical implications how running time is important to 3DTV viewers. Since the nature of this study is exploratory, more research about segmented running time and genre, etc. of 3D stereoscopic videos will be needed.