We show that the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) theory with two pairs of negative norm generators is derived from the scaling limit of an orbifolded Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena (ABJM) theory. The BLG theory with many Lorentzian pairs is known to be reduced to the Dp-brane theory via the Higgs mechanism, so our scaling procedure can be used to derive Dp-branes directly from M2-branes in the field theory language. In this paper, we focus on the D3-brane case and investigate the scaling limits of various quiver Chern-Simons theories obtained from different orbifolding actions. Remarkably, in the case of N = 2 quiver CS theories, the resulting D3-brane action covers a larger region in the parameter space of the complex structure moduli than the N = 4 quiver CS theories. We also investigate how the SL(2, Z) duality transformation is realized in the resultant D3-brane theory.Recently, there has been a lot of activities in superconformal Chern-Simons matter theories.They have arisen from searching the low energy effective action of multiple M2-branes. In [1], the action of an arbitrary number of multiple M2-branes was proposed by Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis, and Maldacena. It is an N = 6 superconformal U (N ) × U (N ) Chern-Simons matter theory, and the level of Chern-Simons term is (k, −k). This ABJM theory has moduli space Sym N (C 4 /Z k ) and, therefore, is considered to describe N M2-branes on an orbifold C 4 /Z k . On the other hand, triggered by the works of Bagger and Lambert [2] and Gustavsson [3], remarkable progress has also been achieved. The novelty is the appearance of new gauge structure, Lie 3algebra. The BLG theory based on the Lie 3-algebra also has appropriate symmetries as the effective theory of multiple M2-branes, and under a particular realization of 3-algebra, the BLG theory actually coincides with the ABJM theory [4]. Furthermore, in [5] (see also [6,7,8]), it was shown that the Lorentzian BLG (L-BLG) theory [9, 10, 11] based on the 3-algebracan be derived by taking a scaling limit of the ABJM theory. Because the L-BLG theory is reduced to the ordinary (2+1)d SYM via the Higgs mechanism, we can use this scaling procedure as a tool to obtain D2-branes directly from the ABJM theory in the field theory language. The L-BLG theory was later generalized in [12,13,14] by involving additional pairs of negative norm generators. In [12], it was shown that this Extended L-BLG theory gives Dp-brane action whose worldvolume is compactified on torus T d (d = p − 2). Noting the fact that the Extended Lorentzian Lie 3-algebra can be regarded as the original 3-algebra (1.1) where the Lie algebra is replaced by the loop algebra, it is quite natural to expect that even the Extended L-BLG theory may be obtained from ABJM-like theory. Then, what type of model should we start from? The hint is given in [15]. They showed that the D3-branes action can be derived from a particular quiver Chern-Simons theory obtained by orbifolding the ABJM action. Because the Extended L-BLG theory with two Lorentzian pairs is als...