We present a two-dimensional collinear, adiabatic model to describe the motion of a proton in between two hydrogen molecules which adjust their elongation to trace a minimum-energy path. Together with bound states, the predissociative, vibrationally excited states involved in the electric dipole transitions are characterized. The main qualitative features of the infrared spectra of H 5 + and its deuterated variant are discussed, and the effect of the temperature of the clusters is analyzed. To just account for the proton transfer between the two H 2 moieties, we present an extremely simplified two-dimensional (2D) model which incorporates the effect of the temperature.Considering three collinear masses M 1 -M 0 -M 2 , denoting by d 1 and d 2 , the distances from the central mass to the extreme ones, and employing the coordinates R = d 1 + d 2 (0 R ∞) and r = d 1 − d 2 (−R r R) the kinetic energy operator in the center of mass system becomeŝ