The long-distance transport systems of vascular plants, xylem, and phloem, show essential differences as well as many similarities. As one major difference, the conducting cells of the xylem, tracheids or vessel elements, are dead in the functional state, whereas the sieve cells or sieve elements of the phloem are still alive and-keeping their protoplast-form a symplasmic network. Another obvious difference is the lignification of the cell walls of the xylem conduits, whereas the sieve cells or sieve elements usually lack such a kind of wall reinforcement (in many grass species, however, lignin is present in the cell wall of specific sieve elements (Botha, 2005;Botha, 2013)). What both systems have in common is that theories explaining the mass flow are strongly based on theoretical grounds. In the case of the xylem, it is the cohesion-tension theory (Brown, 2013;Stroock et al., 2014;Venturas et al., 2017) whereas it is the Münch pressure-flow hypothesis for the phloem (Jensen, 2018;Knoblauch & Peters, 2017; van Bel, 2003). The relevance of theoretical-physical considerations for studying the functioning of xylem and phloem is owed to the fact that a direct experimental access is difficult for both systems: invasive methods lead to major disturbances in both transport systems, even to their dysfunctionality, and often produce artifacts instead of insightful observations. Therefore, there was little experimental evidence for the pressure-flow hypothesis which prevailed due to its high explanatory power (for an excellent historical review, see Knoblauch and Peters (2017), for the recent "phloem transport" controversies and their-at least partly resolution-see Turgeon (2010) and Savage et al. ( 2017)): loading of assimilates into the phloem inevitably causes an osmotic gradient driving mass flow. In a similar way, physical considerations gave weight to the cohesion-tension theory: withdrawal of water by transpiration from the leaves leads to tension in the water column, and mass flow is created by this "pulling" effect. Additionally, the demonstration of mass flows by artificial lab and class-room models impressively supported the pressure-flow hypothesis as well as its "twin," the cohesion-tension theory (Jensen et al., 2016;Stroock et al., 2014). Both long-distance transport systems are intimately coupled, because the phloem transport depends on water influx from the xylem whose conditions were shown to directly affect the phloem (