“…As noted in section 7.3.1, even in some cases where we know particular policies to be asymptotically optimal, we do not fully understand the computational complexity of implementing the relevant policies. This relates to the fact that a formal theory of computational complexity for the structured stochastic dynamic programs which arise in inventory control remains incomplete (as discussed in section 3.1), although we refer the interested reader to Halman et al (2009Halman et al ( , 2014, Halman and Nannicini (2019), and more generally Dyer and Stougie (2006), Shmoys and Swamy (2006), Papadimitriou and Tsitsiklis (1987), Sidford et al (2018) for relevant work on the complexity of stochastic dynamic programming. For the setting of ATO systems, DeValve et al (2020) have also made recent progress along these lines, where we note that relevant questions such as how often one must "re-solve" certain approximating optimization problems in online optimization is a question currently of high interest across multiple academic communities (see e.g., Vera and Banerjee (2019), Bumpensanti and Wang (2020)).…”