Proton-observed carbon-edited (POCE) NMR spectroscopy is commonly used to measure 13 C labeling with higher sensitivity compared to direct 13 C NMR spectroscopy, at the expense of spectral resolution. For weakly coupled first-order spin systems, the multiplet signal at a specific proton chemical shift in POCE spectra directly reflects 13 C enrichment of the carbon attached to this proton. The present study demonstrates that this is not necessarily the case for strongly coupled secondorder spin systems. In such cases NMR signals can be detected in the POCE spectra even at chemical shifts corresponding to protons bound to 12 C. This effect is demonstrated theoretically with density matrix calculations and simulations, and experimentally with measured POCE spectra of [3- 13 Key words: POCE NMR spectroscopy; glutamate; strong coupling; 13 C editing; density matrix simulation Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy combined with infusion of 13 C-labeled substrates is a powerful tool for investigations of intermediary metabolism in living organisms. The measurement of 13 C label incorporation from glucose into glutamate and glutamine in the brain has provided new insights into brain energy metabolism and neurotransmitter compartmentation between neurons and glia (see Ref. 1 for a recent review).It is generally considered that indirect detection (i.e., selective detection of signals from protons bound to 13 C) provides better sensitivity than direct 13 C detection, at least for well resolved CH 2 and CH 3 resonances (2). Although studies using direct detection have provided unique information, such as the resolved detection of C4, C3, and C2 carbon positions in glutamate and glutamine, and the detection of different isotopomers with distinct 13 C-13 C coupling patterns (3-5), these studies generally required relatively large volumes. In contrast, studies using indirect detection have proved very useful for investigating small areas of the brain during functional activation (6,7) or distinct brain tissue types such as gray and white matter (8,9). This advantage of increased sensitivity is coupled with the disadvantage of low spectral dispersion, which prevents resolution of the proton signals for C4-labeled glutamate and glutamine in human studies at 4 T, for example, or C3-labeled glutamate and glutamine in animal studies at 9.4 T.Most indirect detection studies performed in vivo used either a proton-observed carbon-edited (POCE) sequence (as defined in Fig. 1) (10) or other sequences proposed later on (11)(12)(13)(14). A common feature of these sequences is the ability to select specifically the signals from protons bound to 13 C using difference spectroscopy (editing). Signals from protons bound to 13 C are inverted every other scan and add coherently in the difference spectrum, whereas signals from protons that are not attached to 13 C are unaffected by the 13 C inversion pulse and are subtracted out in the difference spectrum. Most importantly, the proton signal intensity (integral) at a given chemical shift is commonly assume...