This paper presents the use of gamified crowdsourcing for knowledge content validation. Constructing a high-quality knowledge base is crucial for building an intelligent system. We develop a refinement process for the knowledge base of our word retrieval assistant system, where each piece of knowledge is represented as a triple. To validate triples acquired from various sources, we introduce yes/no quizzes and present them to many casual users for their inputs. Only the triples voted “yes” by a sufficient number of users are incorporated into the main knowledge base. Users are incentivized by rewards based on their contribution to the validation process. To ensure transparency of the reward-giving process, blockchain is utilized to store logs of the users’ inputs from which the rewards are calculated. Different strategies are also proposed for selecting the next quiz. The simulation results indicate that the proposed approach has the potential to validate knowledge contents. This paper is a revised version of our conference paper presented at the 12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2020).