“…Thus, the main consequences of nation branding are the following concepts: - Social concepts include 18 codes, such as: gaining attention, respect and trust of stakeholders (Browning, 2016; Silvanto and Ryan, 2018; Varga, 2013); strong emotional connection with people (Bigi et al , 2011; Che-Ha et al , 2016); a sense of national pride (Chen, 2012; Dzenovska, 2005; Roozen et al , 2017; Widler, 2007); influencing public opinion (Buhmann and Ingenhoff, 2015; Fan, 2008; Lahrech et al , 2020; Yalkin, 2018); encouraging citizens to feel confident in their homeland (Barr, 2012; Tatevossian, 2008; Varga, 2013); and promoting nation identity (Amujo and Otubanjo, 2012; Clancy, 2011; Dinnie et al , 2010; Montanari et al , 2019; Papadopoulos et al , 2016).
- Economic and financial concepts, with 16 codes, include, among others: economic growth (Browning, 2016; Che-Ha et al , 2016; Edwards and Ramamurthy, 2016; Hassan and Mahrous, 2019; Pamment, 2018); attracting tourists (Amujo and Otubanjo, 2012; Avraham, 2020; Barr, 2012; Lee and Chun, 2017; Papadopoulos et al , 2016; Rojas-Méndez et al , 2015; Yousaf and Huaibin, 2014); attracting investment (Browning, 2016; Fetscherin, 2010; Kalamova and Konrad, 2010; Lahrech et al , 2020; Montanari et al , 2019; Song and Sung, 2013); attracting business (Frig and Sorsa, 2020; Hakala and Lemmetyinen, 2011; Kam and Tse, 2020; Mariutti and Tench, 2015; Roozen et al , 2017); and internal economic stability (Bigi et al , 2011; Hakala et al , 2013; Rawson, 2007).
- Business concepts comprise 16 codes, such as positive evaluation of products or services from a particular country (Che-Ha et al , 2016; Ishii and Watanabe, 2015; Loo and Davies, 2006; Yalkin, 2018); assisting large national firms in expanding into international markets (Bigi et al , 2011; Lee, 2011; Montanari et al , 2019); helping market natio...