“…These dynamics have everything to do with the global political economy and structures of White supremacy and colonialism charted by Anderson (2000) and Agathangelou (2004) in their studies of more traditional forms of social reproductive work. Likewise, the continued social reproduction of patriarchal and heteronormative structures of masculinity (Sears, 2017) contributes to the socialization of subjects who enter the world of sport conditioned to accept as legitimate the dehumanization—denial of affect, instrumental relation to the self, ubiquitous violence, among other norms of hegemonic masculinity—demanded by high-performance spectator sport (e.g., Connell, 1995; English, 2017; Messner, 2007). Ultimately, what needs to be explored are these and other questions about who ends up performing social reproductive athletic labor, why, and how this is connected to broader forms of structural inequality.…”