Fifth order, quasi-linear, non-constant separant evolution equations are of the form u t = A ∂ 5 u ∂x 5 +B, where A andB are functions of x, t, u and of the derivatives of u with respect to x up to order 4. We use the existence of a "formal symmetry", hence the existence of "canonical conservation laws" ρ (i) , i = −1, . . . , 5 as an integrability test. We define an evolution equation to be of the KdV-Type, if all odd numbered canonical conserved densities are nontrivial. We prove that fifth order, quasi-linear, non-constant separant evolution equations of KdV type are polynomial in the function a = A 1/5 ; a = (αu 2 3 + βu 3 + γ) −1/2 , where α, β and γ are functions of x, t, u and of the derivatives of u with respect to x up to order 2. We determine the u 2 dependency of a in terms of P = 4αγ − β 2 > 0 and we give an explicit solution, showing that there are integrable fifth order non-polynomial evolution equations.