ABSTRAKMembran Komposit Nilon-Karbon Aktif merupakan modifikasi membran nilon dengan filler inorganic berupa karbon aktif. Modifikasi dalam proses pembuatan membran berupa variasi suhu pengadukan yaitu 20°C, 30°C, 40°C, dan 50°C dan variasi waktu pengadukan 1 jam, 2 jam, 3 jam, 4 jam, dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi operasi dalam pembuatan membran terhadap karakteristik membran komposit nilon-karbon aktif. Membran dibuat menggunakan metode inversi fasa dengan pelarut HCl 25%, tebal membran diseragamkan, waktu evaporasi 120 detik, waktu imersi dalam aquades selama 10 menit, dan waktu pengeringan membran 24 jam. Karakteristik mekanik dari membran dilihat melalui uji kuat tarik membran, dimana dari hasil pengujian didapatkan titik optimum berdasarkan nilai kuat tarik dan modulus elastisitas terbesar pada variasi suhu 30 o C dan waktu pengadukan 2 jam yaitu 134,75 x10 6 kg/ms 2 dan 1,347x10 8 kg/ms 2 . Karakteristik struktural membran dilihat melalui uji porositas, dan analisa permukaan dengan menggunakan SEM. Berdasarkan uji porositas, dihasilkan membran dengan rata-rata persen porositas 70% dan tergolong hidrofil karena persen penyerapan air tinggi. Sedangkan melalui analisa SEM didapatkan karakteristik membran asimetrik dengan ukuran pori 2,7-3,5 mikrometer dan tergolong membran mikrofiltrasi.
AbstractActivated Nylon-Carbon Composite Membrane is a modification of nylon membrane with inorganic filler in the form of activated carbon. Modifications in the membrane making process in the form of stirring temperature variations of 20 o C, 30 o C, 40 o C, and 50 o C and variations in stirring time 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, were carried out to determine the effect of operating conditions on membrane characteristics on composite membrane characteristics active carbon-nylon. The membrane was made using phase inversion method with 25% HCl solvent, uniform membrane thickness, 120 seconds evaporation time, 10 minutes immersion time in distilled water, and 24 hour membrane drying time. The mechanical characteristics of the membrane were seen through membrane tensile strength test, where from the test results the optimum point was based on tensile strength and the greatest modulus of elasticity at a temperature variation of 30 o C and 2 hours stirring time of 134.75 x106 kg / ms2 and 1,347x108 kg / ms2 . The structural characteristics of the membrane were seen through porosity test, and surface analysis using SEM. Based on the porosity test, a membrane with an average percentage of porosity of 70% was produced and classified as hydrophilic because of the high percentage of water absorption. Whereas through SEM analysis the characteristics of asymmetric membranes were obtained with a pore size of 2.7-3.5 micrometers and classified as microfiltration membranes.