The classical gravity approximation is often employed in AdS/CFT to study the dual field theory, as it allows for many computations. A drawback is however the generic presence of singularities in classical gravity, which limits the applicability of AdS/CFT to regimes where the singularities are avoided by bulk probes, or some other form of regularisation is applicable. At the same time, quantum gravity is expected to resolve those singularities and thus to extend the range of applicability of AdS/CFT also in classically singular regimes. This paper provides a proof of principle that such computations are already possible. We use a quantum corrected Kasner-AdS metric inspired by results from loop quantum gravity to compute the 2-point correlator in the geodesic approximation for a negative Kasner exponent. The correlator derived in the classical gravity approximation has previously been shown to contain a pole at finite distance as a signature of the singularity. Using the quantum corrected metric, we show explicitly how the pole is resolved and that a new subdominant long-distance contribution to the correlator emerges, caused by geodesics passing arbitrarily close to the resolved classical singularity. We stress that these results rely on several choices in the quantum corrected metric which allow for an analytic computation and may not hold in general. An alternative choice is presented where the correlator may remain singular even though the bulk singularity is resolved.