High-frequency signals have important applications in large-area hybrid systems, enabling efficient wireless transmission of power and information. We report zinc-oxide thin-film transistor (ZnO TFT) cross-coupled LC oscillator circuits on glass and 3.5-μm-thick polyimide substrates that achieve oscillation frequencies as high as 35 MHz and 17 MHz, respectively. The TFTs are designed for high unity power-gain frequency f MAX by minimizing gate resistance and device capacitances. In a resonant oscillator topology, this enables oscillation well above the cutoff frequency f T of the TFTs. Oscillators on plastic benefit from the improved dimensional stability of spin-cast ultrathin substrates, which allows TFTs on these substrates to have gate resistances and device capacitances comparable to TFTs on glass.
Author KeywordsOxide thin-film transistor (TFT); zinc oxide; plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD); cutoff frequency (f T ); unity power gain frequency (f MAX ); TFT circuits; thin-film/CMOS hybrid systems; flexible electronics; large area electronics (LAE).
Objective and BackgroundLarge-area electronics (LAE) offers unprecedented capabilities as a technology for sensing. This is because its characteristic lowtemperature processing enables compatibility with a variety of flexible substrates and materials for forming diverse transducers. While a broad set of sensors have been demonstrated [1][2][3][4], creating full sensing systems with exclusively low-temperature compatible components remains challenging. Full LAE sensing systems can be achieved effectively with a hybrid approach in which silicon-CMOS ICs are coupled with LAE components (TFT circuits, large-area passive inductors and capacitors, thinfilm solar cells, sensors) [5]. In these systems, we avoid complex challenges of monolithic system integration by fabricating different large-area components on separate polyimide sheets and laminating them together into a single flexible unit. Lamination is made possible by the use of non-contact interfaces for wireless data and power transfer between the sheets, as in Figure 1. Generation of high-frequency signals (> 10 MHz) enables improved performance and/or power efficiency in inductive noncontact LAE interfaces [6]. For thin-film transistors (TFTs) processed at plastic-compatible temperatures, limited TFT performance makes circuit operation above 10 MHz a significant challenge. We report key advances in this direction: TFT oscillators fabricated at a maximum temperature of 200ºC on glass and 3.5-μm-thick polyimide substrates, operating at oscillation frequency f OSC = 35 MHz with a 7 V supply voltage (glass) and f OSC = 17 MHz with a 9 V supply voltage (plastic).To achieve these results, we:
1.Use zinc oxide semiconductor with a mobility of ~10 cm 2 /Vs for the active TFT material, because metal-oxide semiconductors offer higher mobility than α-Si at temperatures ≤ 200 o C.
2.Employ a resonant circuit topology and high quality, low-R inductors enabled by large area to build circuits operating ab...