corresponds with a normal or reversed geomagnetic field relative to other continents can constrain the relative orientations between cratons with time-equivalent data. This interpretation is particularly important in comparison to Laurentia as it bears on Kalahari's involvement and position in the supercontinent Rodinia. The dominance of south-directed declinations within the Umkondo Province was previously used to suggest that these directions are the same polarity as reversed directions from the early magmatic stage of the Keweenawan Midcontinent Rift of Laurentia. Two Umkondo sills with northerly declinations have U-Pb baddeleyite ages of ca. 1109Ma that are temporally close to dated Midcontinent rift units having reversed directions. Based on this comparison, and paleomagnetic data from younger units in the Kalahari Craton, we favor the option in which the sites with northerly declinations from the Umkondo Province correspond to the reversed polarity directions from the early magmatic stage in the Midcontinent Rift. This interpretation allows for the Namaqua-Natal metamorphic belt of Kalahari to be a conjugate to the Grenville margin of North America and for Kalahari to have become conjoined with Laurentia within the supercontinent Rodinia subsequent to Umkondo LIP magmatic activity.
IntroductionPaired paleomagnetic and geochronologic data demonstrate that between ca. 1112 and 1108 Ma there was large-scale magmatism across the Kalahari Craton over an area of ∼2 x 10 6 km 2 ( Fig. 1; Hanson et al., 2004a). Extrusive components of this province are exposed as tholeiitic basalts that occur at the top of the Umkondo Group in Zimbabwe and Mozambique (Swift, 1962;McElhinny, 1966;Moabi et al., 2015) and as rhyolite lavas, pyroclastics and tholeiitic basalts within the Kgwebe Formation of northern Botswana (Modie, 1996;Hanson et al., 2006). However, the majority of exposed remnants of the Umkondo Large Igneous Province (LIP) are shallow-level mafic intrusions de Kock et al., 2014) which are interpreted as feeders to more extensive flood lavas that have largely eroded away (Hanson et al., 2004a).The widespread extent of these intrusions has led to the inference that the lavas covered nearly Swanson-Hysell et al. (2015) (2011) for sources for the geological data. The inset map shows the location of the main map and the broader geological context. The thick translucent gray line on the inset map indicates the interpreted shape of the Kalahari Craton on the interior of the late Mesoproterozoic orogenic belts that is used in the paleogeographic reconstructions (Fig. 4) (Hanson et al., 2004bSöderlund et al., 2010), post-1.83 Ga dolerite sills in the Soutpansberg Group (Brandl, 1981(Brandl, , 1985Geng et al., 2014), and the widespread 0. basement correspond to the Umkondo event is a reasonable one, it is largely untested since there are precise age constraints for only a small fraction of the total exposed intrusions. If high-quality paleomagnetic data can be generated from a given sill, the distinct paleomagnetic poles ...