DOI: 10.1088/0264-9381/33/24/244001
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Towards a first design of a Newtonian-noise cancellation system for Advanced LIGO

Abstract: Newtonian gravitational noise from seismic fields is predicted to be a limiting noise source at low frequency for second generation gravitational-wave detectors. Mitigation of this noise will be achieved by Wiener filtering using arrays of seismometers deployed in the vicinity of all test masses. In this work, we present optimized configurations of seismometer arrays using a variety of simplified models of the seismic field based on seismic observations at LIGO Hanford. The model that best fits the seismic mea… Show more

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Cited by 54 publications
(75 citation statements)
References 21 publications
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“…A residual of √ R < 0.1 is achieved for N > 14. For comparison, the plot also shows the theoretical sensor-noise limit from equation (3). At high N , the curves start to fall with similar slope, which means that any new sensor just serves to effectively improve the sensitivity of the array without significantly affecting the Wiener filter's ability to disentangle different modes and polarizations of the field.…”
Section: Configuration Sensor Coordinates [λ]mentioning
confidence: 96%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…A residual of √ R < 0.1 is achieved for N > 14. For comparison, the plot also shows the theoretical sensor-noise limit from equation (3). At high N , the curves start to fall with similar slope, which means that any new sensor just serves to effectively improve the sensitivity of the array without significantly affecting the Wiener filter's ability to disentangle different modes and polarizations of the field.…”
Section: Configuration Sensor Coordinates [λ]mentioning
confidence: 96%
“…In the meantime, the conception of NN has changed. Coherent noise cancellation using Wiener filters is being developed as a means to suppress NN [2,3]. The idea is to use environmental monitors such as seismometers and microphones to produce a coherent estimate of the associated gravity fluctuations.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The body * a.singha@maastrichtuniversity.nl † stefan.hild@maastrichtuniversity.nl ‡ jan.harms@gssi.it waves, comprised of compressional and shear waves, can propagate through media in all directions. For the LIGO and Virgo detectors, the dominant seismic sources are part of the detector infrastructure (pumps, ventilation,...), and produce predominantly surface waves, which means that our subsequent analysis can focus on NN from Rayleigh waves [10][11][12][13]. Seismic NN is estimated to be the main contribution to the overall NN compared to other contributions like acoustic NN or NN from infrastructure [14].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Gravity measurements contribute to risk assessment and mitigation, by improving our understanding of past and present ice mass changes (Kazama et al, ; Lambert et al, ; Larson & van Dam, ; Mazzotti et al, ; Mémin et al, ; Omang & Kierulf, ; Ophaug et al, ; van Dam et al, ), subsidence of low‐lying areas (Van Camp et al, ; Zerbini et al, ), ground water resources (Creutzfeldt et al, ; Fores et al, ; Hector et al, ; Imanishi et al, ; Jacob et al, ; Kennedy et al, ; Lampitelli & Francis, ; Van Camp, de Viron, Pajot‐Métivier, et al, ; Van Camp et al, ), and earthquakes (Imanishi, ; Montagner et al, ; Van Camp et al, ). Concurrently, terrestrial gravity measurements play a key role in the new definition of the kilogram (Stock, ), and our understanding of environmental effects affecting the gravity measurements will be useful to assess the Newtonian noise affecting gravitational wave detectors (Coughlin et al, ; Harms & Venkateswara, ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%