Abstract. A commuting tuple T = (T 1 , . . . , T n ) ∈ B(H) n of bounded Hilbert-space operators is called a spherical isometry ifPrunaru initiated the study of T -Toeplitz operators, which he defined to be the solutions X ∈ B(H) of the fixed-point equationUsing results of Aleksandrov on abstract inner functions, we show that X ∈ B(H) is a T -Toeplitz operator precisely when X satisfies J * XJ = X for every isometry J in the unital dual algebra A T ⊂ B(H) generated by T . As a consequence we deduce that a spherical isometry T has empty point spectrum if and only if the only compact T -Toeplitz operator is the zero operator. Moreover, we show that if σ p (T ) = ∅, then an operator which commutes modulo the finite-rank operators with A T is a finite-rank perturbation of a T -Toeplitz operator.