Abstract:We study Higgs and dark matter physics in the type-II two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) with an extra U(1) H gauge symmetry, inspired by the E 6 grand unified theory (GUT). From the viewpoint of the bottom-up approach, the additional U(1) H gauge symmetry plays a crucial role in avoiding the tree-level flavor changing neutral currents mediated by neutral Higgs bosons in general 2HDMs. In the model with U(1) H gauge symmetry, which has Type-II Yukawa couplings, we have to introduce additional chiral fermions that are charged under the U(1) H gauge symmetry as well as under the StandardModel (SM) gauge symmetry in order to cancel chiral gauge anomalies. For the U(1) H charge assignment and the extra matters, we adopt the ones inspired by the E 6 GUT: the extra quark-like and lepton-like fermions with the non-trivial U(1) H charges. We discuss their contributions to the physical observables, such as the measurements of Higgs physics and electro-weak interactions, and investigate the consistency with the experimental results. Furthermore, we could find extra neutral particles like the SM neutrinos after the electro-weak symmetry breaking, and they could be stable, because of the remnant symmetry after U(1) H symmetry breaking. We also discuss the thermal relic density and the (in)direct-detections of this dark matter candidate.