Attempts to integrate the twain (i.e., social justice [SJ] and civic engagement [CE]) are slowly emerging. This chapter critically explores the tools for inclusivity and engagement -- to facilitate developing digital literacies for an integrated program. Among the roles of LAM, such as, literacy, collaboration, outreach, advocacy, etc. this chapter deals with digital literacies -- the aim is to reduce the digital divide between haves and have-nots. The digital divide became most obvious during COVID-19, and therefore this dimension is the focus. The method adopted is a semi-automated strategy to support a rationale for analysis and validation of its findings. Strongly recommends the need to conduct COVID-19's impacted digital exclusion areas -- with due consideration for the work done at New Literacies Research Lab at the University of Connecticut. A combined quantitative and qualitative assessment will be required to remove the digital inequalities.. An innovative approach for data visualization is provided. It is a faceted technique developed by Dr. S R Ranganathan (viz., PMEST – personality, matter, energy, space, and time).