Fatty acids are a well-established class of compounds
as biosignatures for future missions to look for evidence of life
on ocean worlds such as Europa and Enceladus. In order to establish
their abiotic or biotic origin, we need to separate and quantify fatty
acids to determine their relative abundances within a sample. In this
study, we demonstrate the high potential of capillary electrophoresis
coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS) for the efficient separation
and sensitive detection of a wide variety of fatty acids. Three derivatization
strategies were evaluated to allow the detection of fatty acids by
positive ionization mode MS. Furthermore, CE-MS conditions were optimized
to provide maximum separation efficiencies and detection sensitivities
for the analysis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids with even-
and odd-numbered carbon chain lengths. Optimum separation and detection
were obtained using a background electrolyte of 2 M acetic acid in
45% acetonitrile, after derivatization of the fatty acids with 2-picolylamine
or N,N-diethylethylenediamine. The
limits of detection for the derivatized fatty acids using the optimized
method ranged from 25 to 250 nM. The optimized method was also used
for the analysis of fatty acids in cell cultures and natural samples.
Two distinctive biosignatures were obtained for the microorganisms Halobacillus halophilus and Pseudoalteromonas
haloplanktis. In addition, multiple fatty acids were
detected in a natural sample from Mono Lake, California.