Different forms of the same letter (or grapheme), such as capital hand-printed "A" and cursive "a." 2 Arrangement: An element of handwriting style relating to the placement of text on the page that includes characteristics such as margin habits, interline and inter-word spacing, indentations, and paragraphing. 3Authentic: When a document/handwriting is genuine. 4Authorship: Origin of the content of a document. See also Writership.
BBaseline: The real or assumed line upon which handwriting is produced. 5Bias: A systematic pattern of deviation.Blind Case: A case that has been developed with the intention of testing the examiner or the examination process and in which the ground truth is known. Critically, the examiner is not aware the case is not genuine.Blind Declared Case: Blind cases the examiner knows will be inserted into routine casework. The examiner will not know which cases are blind.Blinding: Systematically shielding an examiner from task-irrelevant contextual information.
CChance Match: The occurrence of naturally produced handwriting by two different writers that displays the same handwriting characteristics such that the writing cannot be distinguished. 6