Abstract. In this paper, we study the behaviour of the output of pure entangled states after being transformed by a product of conjugate random unitary channels. This study is motivated by the counterexamples by Hastings [25] and to the additivity problems. In particular, we study in depth the difference of behaviour between random unitary channels and generic random channels. In the case where the number of unitary operators is fixed, we compute the limiting eigenvalues of the output states. In the case where the number of unitary operators grows linearly with the dimension of the input space, we show that the eigenvalue distribution converges to a limiting shape that we characterize with free probability tools. In order to perform the required computations, we need a systematic way of dealing with moment problems for random matrices whose blocks are i.i.d. Haar distributed unitary operators. This is achieved by extending the graphical Weingarten calculus introduced in [14].
IntroductionIn Quantum Information Theory, random unitary channels are completely positive, trace preserving and unit preserving maps that can be written aswhere U i are unitary operators acting on C n and w i are positive weights that sum up to one.This class of quantum channels is very important, not only because the action of such a channel can be understood as randomly applying one of the unitary transformations U i with respective probabilities w i , but also because it has highly non-classical properties. For example, random unitary channels have been used to disprove the additivity of minimum output entropy [25].In this paper, we are interested in a natural setting in which we take a convex combination of k random unitary evolutions; in other words, we choose the unitary operators U i at random and independently from the unitary group, following the Haar distribution. The behaviour of this kind of quantum channels has been extensively studied in the literature [1,26,25].We are principally interested in the study of the moments of typical outputs for products of conjugated random unitary channels. One of the main results of our paper is that the typical outputs are deterministic when one takes a product of such a channel and its complex conjugate and applies it to entangled input states, in the spirit of [14,16,12]. More precisely, our main results can be stated informally as follows (for precise statements, see Theorems 5.2 and 6.7): Theorem 1.1. Consider the output state Z n = [Φ ⊗Φ](ψ n ψ * n ), given as the image of a "well behaved" pure state ψ n under the product of conjugate random unitary channels.If k, the number of unitary operators U i , is fixed and n → ∞, then the set of the k 2 non-zero eigenvalues of Z n is {w i w j : i, j = 1, . . . , k, i = j} ∪ {s i : i = 1, . . . , k}, where the numbers s i depend on w and some parameter m quantifying the overlap between the input state ψ n and the Bell state ϕ n .2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 15A52; Secondary 94A17, 94A40.