In this work, we
present a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics
(QM/MM) approach for the computation of solid-state nuclear magnetic
resonance (SS-NMR) shielding constants (SCs) for molecular crystals.
Besides applying standard-DFT functionals like GGAs (PBE), meta-GGAs
(TPSS), and hybrids (B3LYP), we apply a double-hybrid (DSD-PBEP86)
functional as well as MP2, using the domain-based local pair natural
orbital (DLPNO) formalism, to calculate the NMR SCs of six amino acid
crystals. All the electronic structure methods used exhibit good correlation
of the NMR shieldings with respect to experimental chemical shifts
for both
H and
C. We also find that local
electronic structure is much more important than the long-range electrostatic
effects for these systems, implying that cluster approaches using
all-electron/Gaussian basis set methods might offer great potential
for predictive computations of solid-state NMR parameters for organic