Abstract. The use of computer simulations has become a viable alternative for real-life controlled experiments. Due to the computational cost of these high fidelity simulations, surrogate models are often employed as an approximation for the original simulator. Because of their compact formulation and negligible evaluation time, global surrogate models are very useful tools for exploring the design space, optimization, visualization and sensitivity analysis. Additionally, multiple surrogate models can be chained together to model large scale systems where the direct use of the original expensive simulators would be too cumbersome. Many surrogate model types, such as neural networks, support vector machines and rational models have been proposed, and many more techniques have been developed to minimize the number of expensive simulations required to train a sufficiently accurate surrogate model. In this chapter, we present a fully automated and integrated global surrogate modeling methodology for regression modeling and active learning that readily enables the adoption of advanced global surrogate modeling methods by application scientists. The work brings together insights from distributed systems, artificial intelligence, and modeling & simulation, and has applications in a very wide range of fields. The merits of this approach are illustrated with several examples, and several surrogate model types.