— In an Adhoc Network, every node is mobile and self-contained. As these networks lack infrastructure, highly adaptive algorithms are required to deal with frequent mobility changes by member nodes as well as Cluster Head (CH) nodes. The weighted clustering algorithms contribute significantly to cluster-based routing. In these algorithms, the selection of cluster heads is the most important task. In weighted clustering methods, the selected CH did their best to serve the network. However, the CH may become overloaded due to the arrival of nodes greater than their desired threshold value. In this case, the CH can become a bottleneck as it is unable to cope with rapidly increasing loads which ultimately degrade the network performance. In this paper, we address three network issues (i) Member Node movement (ii) Cluster head Node movement, and (iii) Overload at the Cluster head node caused due to mobility of nodes. Our proposed method Cluster Formation and Maintenance Techniques for Mobile Adhoc Networks with Improved Quality of Service (CFMIQS) include various adaptive algorithms to provide solutions to deal with these network issues and improve network Quality of Service (QoS). The Simulated Results are compared with the K-means AODV algorithm, the results showed better Packet Delivery Fraction (PDF) and Throughput values. Keywords— Cluster partition, MANET, Primary Cluster head, QoS, Secondary Cluster head