Abstract. Climate change increases the occurrence and severity of
droughts due to increasing temperatures, altered circulation patterns, and
reduced snow occurrence. While Europe has suffered from drought events in
the last decade unlike ever seen since the beginning of weather recordings,
harmonized long-term datasets across the continent are needed to monitor
change and support predictions. Here we present soil moisture data from 66
cosmic-ray neutron sensors (CRNSs) in Europe (COSMOS-Europe for short)
covering recent drought events. The CRNS sites are distributed across Europe
and cover all major land use types and climate zones in Europe. The raw
neutron count data from the CRNS stations were provided by 24 research
institutions and processed using state-of-the-art methods. The harmonized
processing included correction of the raw neutron counts and a harmonized
methodology for the conversion into soil moisture based on available in situ
information. In addition, the uncertainty estimate is provided with the
dataset, information that is particularly useful for remote sensing and
modeling applications. This paper presents the current spatiotemporal
coverage of CRNS stations in Europe and describes the protocols for data
processing from raw measurements to consistent soil moisture products. The
data of the presented COSMOS-Europe network open up a manifold of potential
applications for environmental research, such as remote sensing data
validation, trend analysis, or model assimilation. The dataset could be of
particular importance for the analysis of extreme climatic events at the
continental scale. Due its timely relevance in the scope of climate change
in the recent years, we demonstrate this potential application with a brief
analysis on the spatiotemporal soil moisture variability. The dataset,
entitled “Dataset of COSMOS-Europe: A European network of Cosmic-Ray
Neutron Soil Moisture Sensors”, is shared via Forschungszentrum Jülich:
https://doi.org/10.34731/x9s3-kr48 (Bogena and Ney, 2021).