Crowd-based outsourcing is an emerging trend in testing, which integrates advantages of crowd-based outsourcing in software testing. Open call format is used to accomplish various network tasks involving different types of testing levels and techniques at various places by software testers. Crowd-sourced software testing can lead to an improper testing process as if it does not allocate the right task to the right crowd with required skills and not choose the right crowd; it can lead to huge results, which become time-consuming and challenging crowdsource manager for the identification of improper one. The primary purpose of this research is to make crowd-based outsourced software testing more effective and reliable by relating association between the software tester, personality characteristic, and different levels of software testing, i.e., unit, integration, and system, in order to find appropriate personality characteristic for required testing level. This research has shown an observed experiment to determine which software testing level suits which personality characteristic tester in a crowdbased software testing environment. A total of 1000 software testers from different software houses and firms in Pakistan were registered to perform tasks at different software testing levels. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test is used to identify each tester's personality characteristic involved in this research study.