To study the protein structure-function relationship, we propose a method to efficiently create three-dimensional maps of structure space using a very large dataset of >30,000 Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) domains. In our maps, each domain is represented by a point, and the distance between any two points approximates the structural distance between their corresponding domains. We use these maps to study the spatial distributions of properties of proteins, and in particular those of local vicinities in structure space such as structural density and functional diversity. These maps provide a unique broad view of protein space and thus reveal previously undescribed fundamental properties thereof. At the same time, the maps are consistent with previous knowledge (e.g., domains cluster by their SCOP class) and organize in a unified, coherent representation previous observation concerning specific protein folds. To investigate the function-structure relationship, we measure the functional diversity (using the Gene Ontology controlled vocabulary) in local structural vicinities. Our most striking finding is that functional diversity varies considerably across structure space: The space has a highly diverse region, and diversity abates when moving away from it. Interestingly, the domains in this region are mostly alpha/beta structures, which are known to be the most ancient proteins. We believe that our unique perspective of structure space will open previously undescribed ways of studying proteins, their evolution, and the relationship between their structure and function. global map of protein universe | protein function prediction | protein structure universe I nvestigating protein structure space and its relationship to function space is a fundamental scientific challenge. Characterizing this relationship may also carry practical implications to protein function prediction, whereby one wishes to infer the biological role of a protein from its structure [as is the case with many of the structures solved in the high-throughput pipeline of the Structural Genomics projects (1, 2)]. One way to approach this challenge is to represent protein structure space by three-dimensional maps. Maps of structure space were first introduced by Holm and Sander (3) and were later used by Kim and colleagues (4-6). To calculate their maps, they first calculate the structural similarity between all pairs of protein structures. Then, they use multidimensional scaling (MDS) to find a collection of points in three dimensions, each of which corresponds to a protein, and where the distance between any two points depends on the structural similarity of the proteins they represent. Such a representation provides a comprehensive visual view of structure space, which is not constrained by a hierarchical system such as the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) (7).We propose an efficient way to calculate maps of protein structure space, using the recently introduced FragBag model (8). Using FragBag, we represent each structure...