Two new logics for verification of hyperproperties are proposed. Hyperproperties characterize security policies, such as noninterference, as a property of sets of computation paths. Standard temporal logics such as LTL, CTL, and CTL * can refer only to a single path at a time, hence cannot express many hyperproperties of interest. The logics proposed here, HyperLTL and HyperCTL * , add explicit and simultaneous quantification over multiple paths to LTL and to CTL * . This kind of quantification enables expression of hyperproperties. A model checking algorithm for the proposed logics is given. For a fragment of HyperLTL, a prototype model checker has been implemented.Syntax. Let π be a trace variable from an infinite supply V of trace variables. Formulas of HyperLTL are defined by the following grammar:Connectives ∃ and ∀ are universal and existential trace quantifiers, read as "along some traces" and "along all traces." For example, ∀π 1 . ∀π 2 . ∃π 3 . ψ means that for all traces π 1 and π 2 , there exists another trace π 3 , such that ψ holds on those three traces. (Since branching-time logics also have explicit path quantifiers, it