7-7365AB is a recessive genic male sterile (RGMS) two-type line, which can be applied in a three-line system with the interim-maintainer, 7-7365C. Fertility of this system is controlled by two duplicate dominant epistatic genes (Bn;Ms3 and Bn;Ms4) and one recessive epistatic inhibitor gene (Bn;rf). Therefore an individual with the genotype of Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4Rf_ exhibits male sterility, whereas, plant with Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf shows fertility because homozygosity at the Bn;rf locus (Bn;rfrf) can inhibit the expression of two recessive male sterile genes in homozygous Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4 plant. A cross of 7-7365A (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4RfRf) and 7-7365C (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf) can generate a complete male sterile population served as a mother line with restorer in alternative strips for the multiplication of hybrid seeds. In the present study, molecular mapping of the Bn;Rf gene was performed in a BC 1 population from the cross between 7-7365A and 7-7365C. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and ampliWed fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to identify molecular markers linked to the gene of interest. From a survey of 768 primer combinations, seven AFLP markers were identiWed. The closest marker, XM5, was co-segregated with the Bn;Rf locus and successfully converted into a sequence characterized ampliWed region (SCAR) marker, designated as XSC5. Two Xanking markers, XM3 and XM2, were 0.6 cM and 2.6 cM away from the target gene, respectively. XM1 was subsequently mapped on linkage group N7 using a doubled-haploid (DH) mapping population derived from the cross Tapidor 拢 Ningyou7, available at IMSORB, UK. To further conWrm the location of the Bn;Rf gene, additional simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in linkage group N7 from the reference maps were screened in the BC 1 population. Two SSR markers, CB10594 and BRMS018, showed polymorphisms in our mapping population. The molecular markers found in the present study will facilitate the selection of interimmaintainer.