Background: Chemistry and biology students often have difficulty understanding molecular structures. Sonification (the rendition of data into non-speech sounds that convey information) can be used to support molecular understanding by complementing scientific visualization. A proper sonification design is important for its effective educational use. This paper describes a participatory design (PD) approach to designing and developing the sonification of a molecular structure model to be used in an educational setting. Methods: Biology, music, and computer science students and specialists designed a sonification of a model of an insulin molecule, following Spinuzzi’s PD methodology and involving evolutionary prototyping. The sonification was developed using open-source software tools used in digital music composition. Results and Conclusions: We tested our sonification played on a virtual reality headset with 15 computer science students. Questionnaire and observational results showed that multidisciplinary PD was useful and effective for developing an educational scientific sonification. PD allowed for speeding up and improving our sonification design and development. Making a usable (effective, efficient, and pleasant to use) sonification of molecular information requires the multidisciplinary participation of people with music, computer science, and molecular biology backgrounds.