Workload characterization is the basis for similarity analysis, which is the core idea behind benchmark subsetting to pick up the most representative programs or program slices. The set of characteristics is crucial to the result of similarity analysis. Current studies typically use microarchitectureindependent characteristics (MICs) which reveal the inherent program behaviors to evaluate the similarities. In this paper, we propose a novel MICs: serializing instruction distance (SID). SID can describe the serializing instructions behavior that causes a significant performance loss of system-intensive mobile applications. The distribution of critical path length is also used as a MICs because it can reflect the inherent instruction level parallelism (ILP). Furthermore, we employ the comprehensive set of MICs to pick a representative set of program slices for each program of a mobile benchmark suites: Moby. The instructions per cycle (IPC) of each program slice is used to predict the whole program performance. The coefficient of variation of IPCs is under 6% and weighted average IPC prediction error is only 7%.