High-level synthesis (HLS) enables hardware designers to write an untimed circuit description allowing them to focus on architectural design optimizations like pipelining, task level parallelism, and array partitioning [1]. By removing the burden of describing cycle accurate behaviors, HLS designers can perform a more comprehensive design space exploration to better find an architecture that meets the desired power, performance, and area (PPA) constraints.While HLS tools are effective at exploring tradeoffs and optimizations related to PPA, security has largely been an after-thought. The emergence of hardware security flaws and threats [2-5] has brought a demand for hardware security verification tools. Due to the high cost (or even technical impossibility) to patch hardware security vulnerabilities after chip fabrication, identifying and eliminating security flaws in the early design phase is crucial.Information flow tracking (IFT) is a fundamental technique for hardware security verification [6][7][8]. IFT allows the designer to verify security properties related to confidentiality, integrity, and availability. An important first step is to create security enhanced circuit models for accurate description of security-related design behaviors and formal verification of security properties [9][10][11][12]. Some recent