Recently, there has been considerable interest in mining spatial colocation patterns from large spatial datasets. Spatial colocation patterns represent the subsets of spatial events whose instances are often located in close geographic proximity. Most studies of spatial colocation mining require the specification of two parameter constraints to find interesting colocation patterns. One is a minimum prevalent threshold of colocations, and the other is a distance threshold to define spatial neighborhood. However, it is difficult for users to decide appropriate threshold values without prior knowledge of their task-specific spatial data. In this paper, we propose a different framework for spatial colocation pattern mining. To remove the first constraint, we propose the problem of finding N -most prevalent colocated event sets, where N is the desired number of colocated event sets with the highest interest measure values per each pattern size. We developed two alternative algorithms for mining the N -most patterns. They reduce candidate events effectively and use a filter-and-refine strategy for efficiently finding colocation instances from a spatial dataset. We prove the algorithms are correct and complete in finding the N -most prevalent colocation patterns. For the second constraint, a distance threshold for spatial neighborhood determination, we present various methods to estimate appropriate distance bounds from user input data. The result can help an user to set a distance for a conceptualization of spatial neighborhood. Our experimental results with real and synthetic datasets show that our algorithmic design is computationally effective in finding the N -most prevalent colocation patterns. The discovered patterns were different depending on the distance threshold, which shows that it is important to select appropriate neighbor distances.Responsible editor: M.J. Zaki.