Using an O(N )-symmetric toy model QFT in zero space-time dimensions we discuss several aspects and limitations of the 1 N -expansion. We demonstrate, how slight modifications in a classical UV action can lead the 1 N -expansion astray and how the infinite-N limit may alter fundamental properties of a QFT. Thereby we present the problem of calculating correlation functions from two totally different perspectives: First, we explicitly analyze our model within an 1 N -saddle-point expansion and show its limitations. Secondly, we picture the same problem within the framework of the Functional Renormalization Group. Applying novel analogies between (F)RG flow equations and numerical fluid dynamics from parts I and II of this series of publications, we recast the calculation of expectation values of our toy model into solving a highly non-linear but exact advection(-diffusion) equation. In doing so, we find that the applicability of the 1 N -expansion to our toy model is linked to freezing shock waves in field space in the FRG-fluid dynamic picture, while the failure of the 1 N -expansion in this context is related to the annihilation of two opposing shock waves in field space.