The paper analyzes 72 texts relevant to the sociological study of the family, published in the Sociološki pregled/ Sociological Review journal in the period between 2000 and 2017. The analysis includes a quantitative overview of the dynamics of work publishing, characteristics of authorship, representation of topics relevant to the sociological analysis of the family, as well as a qualitative overview of the research context. Special attention is given to papers analyzing the relationship of the family and related concepts (kinship, marriage, reproduction, gender, generations, parenthood), as well as those which focus on the impact of macro social processes and changes on aspects of family functioning. The concusion presents findings on development tendencies within the discipline, as well as the characteristics of sociological study of the family in Serbia. Keywords: family, sociology of the family, Sociološki pregled/Sociological review, marriage, parenthood * Збир радова већи је од њиховог укупног броја јер су неки радови сврстани по темама у две категорије. * The number of papers is higher than their total number because some papers are classified into two categories.