Abstract. We reflect on the information paradigm in quantum and gravitational physics and on how it may assist us in approaching quantum gravity. We begin by arguing, using a reconstruction of its formalism, that quantum theory can be regarded as a universal framework governing an observer's acquisition of information from physical systems taken as information carriers. We continue by observing that the structure of spacetime is encoded in the communication relations among observers and more generally the information flow in spacetime. Combining these insights with an information-theoretic Machian view, we argue that the quantum architecture of spacetime can operationally be viewed as a locally finite network of degrees of freedom exchanging information. An advantage -and simultaneous limitation -of an informational perspective is its quasi-universality, i.e. quasi-independence of the precise physical incarnation of the underlying degrees of freedom. This suggests to exploit these informational insights to develop a largely microphysics independent top-down approach to quantum gravity to complement extant bottom-up approaches by closing the scale gap between the unknown Planck scale physics and the familiar physics of quantum (field) theory and general relativity systematically from two sides. While some ideas have been pronounced before in similar guise and others are speculative, the way they are strung together and justified is new and supports approaches attempting to derive emergent spacetime structures from correlations of quantum degrees of freedom.
IntroductionThe basic discipline underlying the current information age, namely information theory, is not a physical theory (in contrast to thermodynamics ruling the age of steam engines). Nevertheless, the information paradigm is now also permeating (at least part of) physics, offering novel perspectives on old and new problems, specifically in quantum and gravitational physics, and thereby attaining direct physical relevance. After all, physics without information is not possible; a description of the world requires to gather information about it. The information paradigm in physics is by construction very operational. From an information-theoretic perspective, physical systems are information carriers which can be used to acquire, store and communicate information. This perspective is practically realised in the field of quantum information which takes quantum systems to perform all sorts of information-theoretic tasks with them.Here we are less interested in practical applications within the limits of quantum information; rather, we wish to ask how far the information paradigm, and specifically the picture of physical systems as information carriers, can possibly lead us in understanding the physical content of quantum theory and general relativity from a new angle and what it may suggest for the construction of a new physical theory incorporating both. So the questions we will ask (and partially address) are much more basic than typically investigated in...