ARTICLEThis journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 J. Name., 2013, 00, 1--3 | 1
A IntroductionSearch and design of highly active and less expensive materials for catalyzing the sluggish kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is of primary importance in many electrochemical energy device applications such as direct-solar and electrolytic water splitting, metal-air batteries, and fuel cells [1][2][3][4][5][6] . In replacement of noble metal containing catalysts, first row transition-metal perovskites are promising candidate materials for catalyzing OER and ORR in alkaline solution. A number of activity descriptor approaches provide an efficient and practical guidance to facilitate screening of alternate perovskite OER and ORR catalysts 4,5,7 , such as number of d-electrons 1, 8 , oxidation enthalpy 1, 9 , the p-band center relative to the Fermi level 6 , the degree of overlapping between the e g orbitals of the M(3d) band and the O(2p) band relative to the Fermi level 10 , and free energies of formation of the bulk perovskites relative to metal and H 2 O/H 2
11. However, there are still many questions about surfaces and interfaces of the transition-metal perovskite catalyst systems in the aqueous environment under the OER and ORR conditions which have invoked further experimental studies 12,13 . These questions include, e.g., what are the stable surfaces for these perovskites, how different surface orientations/terminations result in different activities, how the bulk electronic structure descriptors can be used to describe activities of various surface terminations, and whether/how surface stability is linked to surface catalytic activities. First principles-based Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods are now able to simulate catalytic reactions at specific metal oxide surfaces and extract surface electronic structure and energetic details, which can provide new insights into structure-activity relationships and strategies for material design and development 7,[14][15][16] . For example, Man et al. 14 have performed