We demonstrate the controlled incorporation of P dopant atoms in Si (001) presenting a new path toward the creation of atomic-scale electronic devices. We present a detailed study of the interaction of PH3 with Si (001) and show that it is possible to thermally incorporate P atoms into Si (001) below the H desorption temperature. Control over the precise spatial location at which P atoms are incorporated was achieved using STM H-lithography. We demonstrate the positioning of single P atoms in Si with ∼ 1 nm accuracy and the creation of nanometer wide lines of incorporated P atoms.PACS numbers: 03.67. Lx, 68.37.Ef, The ability to control the location of individual dopant atoms within a semiconductor has enormous potential for the creation of atomic-scale electronic devices, including recent proposals for quantum cellular automata [1], single electron transistors [2] and solid-state quantum computers [3]. Current techniques for controlling the spatial extent of dopant atoms in Si rely on either ion implantation techniques, or dopant diffusion through optical or electron-beam patterned mask layers. While the resolution of these techniques continues to improve they have inherent resolution limits as we approach the atomicscale [4]. The work presented here looks beyond conventional techniques to position P dopant atoms with atomic-precision by using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) based lithography on H passivated Si (001) surfaces [5,6] to control the adsorption and subsequent incorporation of single P dopant atoms into the Si (001) surface.First, we show the controlled adsorption of PH 3 molecules to STM-patterned areas of H-terminated Si (001) surfaces. In these studies, we have used the H-terminated surface as a reference where the intrinsic surface periodicity can be observed to identify both adsorbed PH 3 molecules [7] and the previously unobserved room temperature dissociation product, PH 2 . We then show, using low PH 3 dosed clean Si (001) surfaces, that both of these room temperature adsorbates can be completely dissociated using a critical anneal, and more importantly, that this results in the substitutional incorporation of individual P atoms into the top layer of the substrate. Finally, we combine these two results to demonstrate the spatially controlled incorporation of individual P dopant atoms into the Si (001) surface with atomicscale precision. Of crucial importance to this final result is that the anneal temperature for P atom incorporation lies below the H-desorption temperature, so that the Hresist layer effectively blocks any surface diffusion of P atoms before their incorporation into the substrate surface.Figures 1(a) -1(c) demonstrate the flexibility of STM H-lithography to create different sized regions of bare Si (001) surface. As we will show, these regions can be used not only as a template for dopant incorporation but also to aid in fundamental studies of surface reactions. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show the creation of both large areas (200 × 30 nm 2 ) and parallel, nanometer-wide lines...