S UMM A RYWe investiga ted th e develo pment of the locule ti ss ues of Gasteria verrucosa (Mill.) H. Du va l using electron microscopy a nd summ a rized it in deta iled pen-d ra,wings .Most of the a nth er o pening processes ta ke pl ace in th e epidermi s a nd th e end o thecium . The sta rch in these two layers is used fo r different steps o f the dehi scence process. The (sin gle) middle laye r is iso lated from the end o thecium a nd fin a lly degenera tes. This process is rel ated to ta peta l fun cti ons.Spo ro poll enin -co ntainin g structures a ri se on both the tapetum a nd the microspo res, fo r po llen di spersa l a nd pro tecti o n, respec ti vely. In the ta petum , sta rch turn s into part of the po llenkitt. During the micros pore mitosis the sta rch of the micros po res is deposited in the vegeta ti ve cell. The po la rity in th e microspo res is rela ted to th e fo rm a ti o n a nd develo pm ent of the genera ti ve cell . Ultrastructura l cha nges in the different cell layers a re di scussed in rela ti o n to their develo pment a nd interacti o n.Key-words: a nther, a nther dehi scence, end o thecium, po llen, po ll en di spersa l, tapetum , ti ssue, interaction.I NT RODU C TIO N