The work in question deals with identifying the attributes and capabilities present in associative organizations or meta-organizations (commonly called business associations), which facilitate and contribute to the promotion of innovations for environmental sustainability or green innovations. Faced with the existing environmental conflicts in the ecosystem, it is necessary to encourage the creation and adoption of ecologically correct practices, in order to make it possible to set back these devastations, which in past decades had already been predicted by researchers around the world. However, the topics discussed here – Green Innovation and Meta-organization, are still relatively little explored in the academic world, so qualitative research was adopted in the present study, because in addition to the scarcity of research, the subjects analyzed belong to the social areas. and human. The study of multiple cases was used as the main methodological tool of investigation, due to the choice of eight meta-organizations for the realization of this project, whose object of analysis is focused, precisely, on the organizational structure of these associative organizations. Another method used in carrying out this study, however, in a supplementary way, was the collection and analysis of data that took place through the elaboration of a research protocol addressed to the application of a semi-structured interview, and to obtain information from the databases secondary. With the conclusion of the work in evidence, it was found that, when organizations come together to establish a meta-organization (this new format of multidimensional organizational structure), through their inherent characteristics, they have better conditions to generate eco-innovative practices. It was also demonstrated with the end of this research, that meta-organizations develop a solid conscience among their participants (and the community where they are inserted), pertinent to implement green innovations in order to restore the environment from the terrible impacts suffered and maintain it. for the existence, not only of fauna and flora, but of human beings and their future generations